Sunday, February 6, 2011

All the Good Things are Really Pretty Great and the Bad Things Aren't That Bad at All

After a busy week of three of us being really sick, it doesn't feel like I balanced home and job very well, but I did the best I could. I'm grateful for quality child care, understanding coworkers and concerned friends. Although I spent most of this weekend doing a whole lot of nothing (still very tired from being sick), I got to thinking how fortunate I am. My life isn't exactly what I would like it to be right now, but it's awfully close. All the good things are really pretty great and the bad things aren't that bad at all.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Just When I Think Things Are Going Along Fine...(Warning: Gross Topic)

Two things that do not mix well: the inside of a car and a vomiting child. Out of nowhere we had a little kiddo who was having a really bad day today. We were on the freeway half an hour from our house when the vomiting began. She was, of course, strapped into her car seat so couldn't go anywhere and we don't have a napkin in sight, let alone a stack of towels and a garden hose. In our panic, we forgot about the baby wipes...oh, well.

And after all the yucky cleanup, the worry sets she okay? Will she be sick again? What can I feed her that won't come back up? How much should she drink? What if she gets sick during her nap and chokes and I don't hear her???

She's doing okay now, but jeesh, what a heck of a Saturday. My husband and I reminded ourselves that although our day's plans were pretty much wrecked, that was nothing compared to the tough day our little girl had.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Balance is Possible

This weekend proved that balance in life is possible, although I'm always questioning it. This weekend we relaxed, had a good time with friends, had fun and relaxed family time and even got a few things around the house done. I'm wiped out but in a good, accomplished way, not the usually exhausting and didn't get a thing done and the kids are crying way.

Taking control of life is partly what happens in our lives but a bigger part of it is how we react to what happens and I'm trying to react well no matter what happens. The past few days this worked so I'm going into the week feeling empowered to handle whatever comes my way.

Still waiting for my Wonder Woman boots, however...

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Monday, January 10, 2011

The Bratty Girl, Hate and Burning the Letter

After a full day at work where I had to be all smart and focused and do a good job, I came home to toys all over the floor (which I'm learning to live with as long as I don't break an ankle...then not only would I not live with it, I'd probably take someone down with me), a sleepy 2-year old who needed her antibiotic eye drop for the corneal abrasion she gave herself two days ago and a fourth grader who was trying not to say the bad word "hate" when she really wanted to tell me that she hates this one girl at school who always makes fun of her, her clothes, her friends, her shoes, her shoe size and her art. Deep breath...

My husband cleaned up the kitchen of snack bowls and sippy cups so I could start on dinner, give the baby her eye drop and then settle in for a long discussion about how to deal with the bratty fourth grader who thinks she's better than everyone else. We talked, she cried, and I thought she was okay until I heard her crying more in the tub.

So we had Round 2 of the Bratty Girl and What You Can and Can't Do About It discussion. We've already talked to death about not letting the girl bug her, but today it was obviously bugging her. I suggested writing a letter saying anything and everything to this girl that she wanted to say. She was mortified because she wants to say lots of things that at almost 10 years of age, she knows are not appropriate. I quickly explained that no one (not even me) would read the letter. I suggested she write until she was sick of writing about it, until that bratty girl was out of her heart. Then...she would seal the letter up and we would burn it. Outside, of course. And I wouldn't have suggested this if I thought she'd burn it herself. She won't.

This bratty girl situation comes and goes so she may be writing lots of letters...

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Scratched Eye Tip

So far, so good in the new year. I've had a successful week back to work and have been able to balance home and work as well as I might hope. I didn't cook as much during the week as I would like to but that usually is my weak area anyway. I find that if I have part of a meal partially prepared or a salad or rice already made from the night before, I do much better filling in the rest.

Aside from the 2-year old getting a scratched cornea and a trip to the walk-in clinic, no other major traumas this week. Tip I learned from the doctor: if you or your child gets a scratched eye and then the eye is sensitive to light, it is very likely a nicked or scratched cornea and must be seen by a doctor. You will need antibiotic eye drops for the eye. It will heal but must be treated.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Back to Work...

Today was my first day back to work after a long holiday break. At least I didn't completely forget how to do my job :) It was nice to talk to adults but I much prefer talking with my young people at home.

My big challenge every day is dinner and today I managed to pull something together: cheesy broccoli with wild rice. You'd think I would have used some of the vacation time to plan or shop or freeze meals, but nooooo... I was on vacation. We watched movies. We played games. We played with all the kids' new toys, drank hot chocolate...the important stuff.

I desperately needed chocolate when I got home, but if that's as bad is it got, I'm calling it a successful day.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

One Last Day Off Before Going Back to Work

I love my job but I love being home with my family too. I keep thinking I'm going to work out a healthy balance between work and home. Little by little I feel like I have small successes. If I expect less from myself and focus more, I tend to do better.

One big challenge is dinner every night. Things go more smoothly if I have dinner at least planned the night before. When I'm really on a roll, I'll plan two or three dinners ahead and can do any required shopping ahead of time.

Here's a quick and easy red beans and rice meal that I love:

Easy Red Beans and Rice

About a month ago, we purchased a Vitamix machine and we love it and have found that the convenience outweighs the cost. We use it to make lots of fruit and green smoothies, soups, zucchini bread and salsa. Some soups require a little planning, such as having a baked potato on hand, but other than that they are so easy to make. And the Vitamix crushes and blends ice like I have never seen a blender do before.

Vitamix Recipes

I like the cookbook that comes with the Vitamix which gives us lots of starter recipes, but we've had the most fun coming up with our own smoothie combinations.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year!

I'm looking forward to a year where I spend my time and energy where it's most important. I've been a procrastinator all my life, not that I necessarily put things off, but I waste a lot of time thinking about what I'm going to do instead of actually doing it.

I have a full-time job that I love, but sometime it seems like most of my energy is spent there and my husband and kids get what's left over. So I'm trying to find shortcuts that help me conserve my energy for when it counts and still get done what needs to be done and maybe let go of a few notions about what should get done when.

One thing I have learned over the last couple years is that each night when I get home from work, I want to play with my 2-year old, catch up on the day of my fourth-grader and touch base with my husband. Because those things are so important to me, I have learned that I can only do one other major thing each night during the week, whether it's cook a full meal, go grocery shopping or run errands. I used to try to do two or more of those things and everyone suffered.

Here's to a new year with time for the important stuff!