Saturday, January 29, 2011

Just When I Think Things Are Going Along Fine...(Warning: Gross Topic)

Two things that do not mix well: the inside of a car and a vomiting child. Out of nowhere we had a little kiddo who was having a really bad day today. We were on the freeway half an hour from our house when the vomiting began. She was, of course, strapped into her car seat so couldn't go anywhere and we don't have a napkin in sight, let alone a stack of towels and a garden hose. In our panic, we forgot about the baby wipes...oh, well.

And after all the yucky cleanup, the worry sets she okay? Will she be sick again? What can I feed her that won't come back up? How much should she drink? What if she gets sick during her nap and chokes and I don't hear her???

She's doing okay now, but jeesh, what a heck of a Saturday. My husband and I reminded ourselves that although our day's plans were pretty much wrecked, that was nothing compared to the tough day our little girl had.

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